ITEM: RTA000041784
My customer is having some trouble with his new xlf version 3.1
compiler. According to him, there is a new library that needs to
be linked in called libxlf90.a This library needs to be linked
in specifically, if it is not, then there are unresolved references.
This is different from v2 of xlf, where is was picked up
automatically. Other libraries like, /lib/libm.a, are being
picked up for the math functions automatically. Could you pleas
explain this.
Secondly, we believe that we have a backlevel of the preprocessor
due to some discussion on the xlf forum. I thought that when I
installed the xlf v3.1 of the compiler, that I would pick up a new
version of the preprocessor. I did not. Where is the preprocessor
located (which LPP) and how do I make sure that I have the latest
version of it.
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Question 1:
The main library is now libxlf90.a. This library holds almost
all of the runtime support code for the XL Fortran programs. A
new libxlf.a is provided, but it is only used for linking exist-
ing object files or running existing executables (It passes calls
to the old entry points to the new entry points in libxlf90.a).
The default search path for the libxlf90.a library is /usr/lib.
If the compiler libraries are installed somewhere else, add the
path name of that directory to the beginning of the LIBPATH
environment variable, being careful to keep /usr/lib in the path.
The correct LIBPATH setting is needed both for linking and exe-
cuting the program, unless the directories for the libraries are
specified by -L options during linking.
For example, if you installed the compiler libraries in the
directory /home/myown/lib, you would issue commands like the
following to compile a program:
export LIBPATH
xlf -o myprog myprog.f
Now the directory /home/myown/lib is the first directory
searched for the necessary libraries, at both compile and runtime.
Question 2:
If you will refer to page 138 of the AIX XL FORTRAN Compiler/6000
User's Guide, Version 3, Release 1, Publication Number SC09-1610-
00, it says:
"In the previous version of XL Fortran, the -Pk and -Pv
preprocessors were supplied with the compiler. In
XL Fortran Version 3, they are now separate products
available from third-party vendors. Their manual
numbers are listed in 'Non-IBM Books' on page 5".
For orders or inquiries about the -Pk Preprocessor (now
known as the KAP Preprocessor), contact the following:
Kuck and Associates
Attn: Sales Dept.
1906 Fox Drive
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 356-5184
(217) 356-5199 (FAX)
For orders or inquiries about the -Pv Preprocessor (now
known as the VAST-2 Preprocessor), contact the following:
Pacific-Sierra Research Corp.
Computer Products Group
2901 28th St.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 314-2300, Extension 343
(310) 314-2323 (FAX)
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WWQA: ITEM: RTA000041784 ITEM: RTA000041784
Dated: 06/1996 Category: RISCL
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