ITEM: RTA000025381

We would like to be able from system A to run an aixterm                        
on system B and set the title for the window.                                   
If I get a command prompt and key the following:                                
rsh sysb aixterm -display $DISPLAY -T 'My Title' -e /u/mydir/myscript&          
it will start an aixterm on systemb (we have a .rhosts file)                    
and run myscript putting a title, 'My Title' on the window.  I                  
want to be able to add the same thing to a mwmrc file to allow a                
user to simply select a menu option.                                            
The problem I am running into is how to quote the line in the                   
mwmrc file to allow a multi word title, i.e. a title with white                
space in it.                                                                    
"stuff"   f.exec "rsh sysb ......."                                             
I have not been able to move the quotes and make this work.   Any               
ideas on how to code the rsh call that appears above as an item                 
in an mwmrc file?                                                               
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A: There are two different answers I came up with:                              
1.  When running the aixterm locally, the -T titlename can be                   
placed in single quotes, within the outer double quotes:                       
     "My Program"  f.exec "aixterm -T 'My Title' &"                             
2.  When I try your example with the remote shell, the -e           
seems to take over, and the title of my window becomes .            
This can be changed by adding an escape sequence to the script                  
that you are running.  Every script could contain an echo command               
like this that sets the window title bar.                                       
Add this line to the script invoked by the aixterm:                             
     echo "\033¢0; My Title With Blank Space \007"                              
  " = double quote,  \ = backslash, ¢ = right bracket                           
The result should change the title of the aixterm.                              
See InfoExplorer using searchwords: aixterm, datastream                         
and choose the topic: The aixterm Command HFT Display Characteristics           
At the very bottom of this article is a table entry:                            
 xst  set text parameters             ESC ¢ Ps ; Pt \007                        
      0 change window name and title                                            
      to Pt                                                                     
A note about aixterm -e :                                               
The shell will exit at the end of executing  thus closing               
the window.  The result may be the answer you want flashing on the              
screen and then disappearing.  You might put a "sleep 10"                       
or invoke /bin/ksh at the end of your script to give you a                      
chance to see the command output before closing the aixterm.                    
A note about rsh:                                                               
When the shell opened on the remote machine it seemed to have                   
the bare bones ENV variables set from my local machine.                         
In particular it seemed lost as to the PWD.  To make mine work                  
I needed to specify a full pathname on the aixterm -e .         
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This item was created from library item Q598369 1993 BPRZK                      
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
RISCSYSTEM SOFTWARE SUPT TEXT TITLE WORD                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000025381 ITEM: RTA000025381
Dated: 07/1998 Category: RISCGRAF
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:09
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