ITEM: RTA000024473

One of my customers is using the INed editor regularly under Xwindows.          
They have mentioned a behavior to me that I do not understand                   
They say that when the editor comes up, it changes the current colors in the    
aixterm window to a grey background.  This messes up the "xwd¦xpr"              
programs for printing windows that their users use.                             
Can you tell me if what they are seeing in the color change to grey is          
"normal" and if it is avoidable?                                                
They are also wondering if there is a way to insert at any point in             
their document, a page-break character for printing.  I think that              
what they want is to be able to go into a special mode and enter an             
escape sequence (\f) at a designated point for better printing of the           
file they are editing.  I believe I know how to do this in vi (cntl-v)         
but I do not know if this is possible in INed.  Do you?                         
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A: Whenever you start an INed session in X-Windows, INed simply opens           
   another window on your display.  Whatever colors have been designated        
   as default for aixterm windows, will become the background and               
   foreground colors for your INed session.  For instance, when I open          
   a new window with the command "xterm", my window is blue with                
   white text.  These are also the colors of all my INed windows.  INed         
   is simply calling xterm with no color parameters (xterm -e e -t).            
   If the colors continue to cause problems, consider opening an INed           
   session in reverse video (e -rv).  This might be a solution, depending       
   on what colors are being used.                                               
   It's easy to put control characters within the INed text file,               
   but there's a bit of a trade-off.  The character for Form Feed does          
   not show on the screen, so it's not intuitively obvious that there           
   is a FF on the particular line.  For this reason, I suggest that you         
   put the actual lines in the file, rather than a form feed.                   
   To put the FF in the file, here are the steps:                               
     1) use the QUOTE command (alt-q) to get into "graphics" mode               
     2) type "L", which translates, via INed, to the FF character               
        (you can only type one character for each QUOTE command)                
     3) continue typing on on the next line                                     
   The FF character will not show up on the screen.  Also, you'll need          
   to use "enq" from the command line to print, because the INed print          
   facility will ignore control characters.                                    
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This item was created from library item Q591642 1994 BLLCZ                      
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Dated: 07/1998 Category: RISCGRAF
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