ITEM: RTA000052184

Source: QUAT-AB item 089216                                                     
I have a client who is currently moving from a 4381 to a RISC/6000              
380. He develops his applications in the mainframe using the following:         
  Programming Languages used::                                                  
  OS/VS Cobol 1 r 2.4                                                           
  Assembler H v 2.1.0                                                           
  SQL - DB2                                                                     
  2. Transaction monitor:                                                       
  CICS v 2.1.2 using BMS FULL                                                   
  3. Screen Formatter                                                           
  SDF v 1.5.0                                                                  
  BMS (CICS v 2.1.2)                                                            
  4. Data Bank:                                                                 
  - DB2 v 2.3.0                                                                 
  - VSAM, MVS/XA DFP v 3.1.1 and DFDSS v 2.5.0                                  
  5. Editors:                                                                   
  TSO/E v 2.1.0                                                                 
  CMS XA v 5.6                                                                  
  6.Mainframe disks                                                             
  3380 - j                                                                      
  3380 - k                                                                      
There will be 16 ascii terminals attached to the RS6K and no PCS. There         
will be no access to the mainframe, either.                                     
I need detailed information on what products (and product numbers) I            
should use to properly configured the required software.                        
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A: I will address each issue presented:                                         
AIX Operating System, Version 3.2.4 or later is Product Code 5756-30.           
Currently, Micro Focus COBOL Version 3 or later is required for COBOL           
support with DB2/6000.   The Product Code for Micro Focus COBOL is              
5758-MG0.   Also, there is the Micro Focus COBOL with Toolbox, Version 3,       
Product Code 5758-MG1.                                                         
Your client will need DB2/6000 on the RS/6000 to replaced the SQL - DB2         
on the 4381.  The Product Code is 5765-172.                                     
You will need CICS/6000 for the transaction monitor, Product Code 5765-         
The BMS (CICS Version 2.1.2) can be imported into CICS/6000.   To the           
extent that basic COBOL, CICS and BMS functions were used, the recompile        
should take place quite easily.                                                 
CICS/6000 uses DFS, Encina/6000 and DCE/6000 which is a version of VSAM.        
The Product Code for the CICS/6000 Application Server is 5765-148.   The        
DCE and Encina Base Services/6000 V 1.2is Product Code is 5765-117.             
The Encina Server/6000 Product Code is 5765-240.                               
The editor on the RS/6000 is vi.  It is part of the AIX Operating System.       
There is no Product Code or Feature Number.                                     
You should use the 128-Port Asynchronous Adapter (Feature Code 8128) for        
connecting the 16 ASCII terminals to the RS/6000.                               
You should be able to accomplish the transition from the 4381 to the            
RS/6000 by using the products listed.                                           
Thank you.                                                                      
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I tried to configure this software and encountered millions of                  
When I choose , for instance, product number 5765-117, millions of              
titles come up: DCE only, DCE and ENCINA, DEC something, etc...                 
Can you be more precise?                                                        
Thank you.                                                                      
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A: All of the information should be precise enough except for the               
DCE and Encina information.  The following comes from the product               
literature on these products:                                                   
DCE, Distributes Computing Environment is based upon OSF DCE Version            
1.0.2.   A minimum DCE cell requires the installation of:                       
                 - one DCE cell directory server.                               
                 - one DCE security server.                                     
                 - some number of DCE clients (workstations with the            
                   DCE Bases Services installed).   DCE Base Services           
                   must also be installed on every server.                      
                 - DCE uses TCP/IP communications protocol over                 
                   Ethernet, Token-Ring, X.25 or FDDI communications            
The product codes are as follows:                                               
                 AIX DCE Base Services/6000               5765-117              
                 AIX DCE Cell Directory Server/6000, V1.2 5765-119              
                 AIX DCE Security Server/6000, V1.2       5765-118              
                 AIX DCE Distributed File System (DFS)    5765-121             
The Encina products family includes the following:                              
                 Encinia Server                           5696-240              
                 Encina Structured File Server            5696-237              
                 Encina Monitor                           5696-239              
                 Encina Peer-to-Peer Executive            5696-238              
                 Encina Peer-to-Peer Gateway              5696-347              
                 Encina PPC Executive with SyncPoint                            
                   Level 2 Support for AIX                5696-931              
                 Encina PPC Gateway with SyncPoint                              
                   Level 2 Support for AIX                5696-930              
The programming requirements for Encina are:                                    
                 - AIX/6000 Version 3.2.4 or later (5756-030) required.         
                 - The Encina Base and DCE Base feature of AIX DCE Base.        
                   Services/6000 Version 1.2 (5765-117) must be installed       
                   on every workstation in the cell.                            
                 - The following programs are required somewhere in the         
                           - AIX DCE Cell Directory Server/6000, Version        
                             1.2 (5765-119).                                    
                           - AIX DCE Security Server/6000, Version 1.2          
                 - At least one instance of Encina Server for AIX/6000          
                   Version 1.1.2 (5696-240) must be installed in the            
All of these products are discussed in the Announcement Letter: A94-92         
(Encina Products Family).                                                       
Thank you.                                                                      
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This item was created from library item Q675813      I0826                      
Additional search words:                                                        
OZIBM OZNEW RISCWT RS6K TRADE WORLD 6000                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000052184 ITEM: RTA000052184
Dated: 10/1996 Category: RISCDB2
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