Duplex Printing On Executive Form On 4317

ITEM: RTA000155480

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
 Printing Systems Manager (PSM)                                                 
I have a customer who wants to do reprints on a 4317.  The original             
print is done on a InfoPrint 4000.  The physical forms on the InfoPrint         
are 14.5 inches wide by 11 inches long.  The print line is 6.7 inches           
so the customer gets two print images in the width (2 x 6.7) of the             
form.  The customer wants to print the 6.7 print line on a form that            
can be printed on a 4317.  We choose the Executive form since it was            
close to the desired form (7.0 x 11).  We created a formdef to access           
the auxiliary bin of the 4317 and to do duplex.  We send a AFPDS job to         
printer and set up the 4317 so that the auxiliary drawer is looking for         
an Executive form.  The 4317 receives the print job (4317 is attached          
TCP/IP with the IPDS SIMM) and prints the front of the page correctly,          
but the back of the page is not printed at all.  In fact, the printer           
pauses and then reprints the same front page on a second form but still         
does not print the back of the page.  We saw no error message in the            
error log so we are baffled.  We reset the Auxiliary drawer to letter           
size form through the printer menu, but we actually leave Excutive size         
forms in the Auxliary drawer.  The job print correctly in the front, but        
in the back the printline image is shifted over an 1 inch to the right          
so the print does not fit on the Executive form.  Any ideas why this            
does not work?                                                                  
I need to get some additional information from you.                             
1) Where is the data coming from.  Is the original datasteam AFPDS or           
is it something else getting transformed to AFPDS?                             
2) Is this PSM with PSF/AIX?                                                    
3) Are you using the same formdef for the IP4000 AND the 4317?                  
4) How are you doing the 2 up?  Are you using N_UP in the formdef?              
If not, please explain how it is being done.                                    
If it is possible, please provide me the source for the formdef.  You           
can include it in this item, or e-mail it to me (dougda@us.ibm.com).            
Deferring for further information.                                              
Deferring pending further information.                                          
Here are responses to the questions which were asked of Rey:                    
1.   The datastream in question is MODCA/P created by the CSF software          
from M&I Bank.                                                                  
2.  Yes, PSM is being used with PSF/AIX.                                        
3.  No, we are NOT using the same FORMDEF.  For the InfoPrint 4000,  we         
use a FORMDEF which is a two-up and duplex.  The big printer's FORMDEF          
is rather plain vanilla enhanced N_up FORMDEF, except it uses the               
special name T01FE01 for the copygroup.  The customer software package,         
CSF, uses an Invoke Medium Map for resource T01FE01 to force the front          
of a new sheet.                                                                 
I will route you copies of the source for the two FORMDEFs which I              
supplied to the customer and suggested they use for their testing on the        
NP17.  These FORMDEFs should be only slightly different than our                
standard-issue ones called F1A00031 and F1A00041.  The difference is to         
name the copygroup within the FORMDEF as described above.                       
4.  N_up on the InfoPrint 4000 is done in the FORMDEF.  N_up is NOT used        
for the FORMDEF sent to the 4317 because it is only one-up.  It is my           
understanding that the 4317 is not capable of enhanced N-up anyway,             
which is a shame because then we could create a FORMDEF that had a              
different offset on the backside...thereby solving our problem.                 
If this is of value,  I am routing you an PSF error log for a time              
period where we were trying to print the job Rey describes.   It almost        
looks like the 4317 is resource constrained or something.                       
Thanks for you help.                                                            
Please review the email that Jeff Couch sent Doug that answered the             
questions he asked.                                                             
I received the source for the formdefs and the error.log.  I will               
reveiw these and see if I can recreate the problem.  Leaving open.              
The following entries are the e-mail conversations that took place              
outside of this forum.  I have included it for completeness and no              
action is needed in response to this item, except for the last few              
comments about pursuing the problem through Network Printer L2.  It            
is recommended you open a PMR or contact the Network Printer Support            
at 1-800-358-6661.                                                              
Further questions from Amy:                                                     
1. Can you send a sample of the AFPDS from CSF? This may not be                 
necessary, but if we aren't able to solve the problem based on what's           
in the Printer Config sheet, we will need this.                                 
5. Could you please fax the Printer Config sheet from the 4317? Send            
it to 303-939-2398 (T/L 271-2398), to my attention.                             
6. In the orginal ViewBlue item, it says, "We choose Executive form...          
" The dimensions of Executive are 7.25x10.5 vs the "desired form"               
of 7x11. Based on the original explanation, the size of an N-up                 
appears to be 6.75x11, with a total printable area of 13.5x11. Can you          
verify this? And do you know exactly what the image area is in the             
The information was sent to Amy and she analyzed.  This is her respons:         
After receiving the 4317 config sheet, Tamsen and I spent                       
some time with Network Printer L2. We think that the reason                     
you get 2 front-only pages when the Executive form is                           
selected on the printer is as follows:  The print image is                      
longer than the form size (11in vs 10.5in), which causes                        
another sheet to be pulled so that the printer can finish                       
placing the image. The consensus is that the 4317 won't                         
print the job when Executive paper is selected in the printer.                  
However, we know the job will print when Letter is selected,                    
but with the back side incorrectly placed. Therefore, the                       
next step is to approach this as a 4317 problem by opening                     
a problem via Network Printer L2.  I expect that they will                      
want a sample of the customer's datastream. All of the                          
background on this problem is in the Viewblue item and                          
this note (I've appended Jeff's last note below). I'm out                       
until next Monday, and I'm afraid that I don't know the                         
best way to pass this onto the Network Printer folks, so                        
I'm copying my teammates and leaving my hardcopy                                
file (which includes the fax of printer config) with Lew                        
As mentioned above we recommend that you open a PMR to be worked by             
the Network Printer Level 2 group, or you may contact them through              
the 800 number above.                                                           
The customer has been working with Hardware folks on the 800 number.            
They installed new TR and coax cards as well as a couple new SIMMs.             
Letter size output still prints successfully.                                   
When they try to print jobs that are 7x11 output through PSM, they get a        
clock covering the job like it is processing, but it never prints, nor          
is there any indication at the printer that it ever was communicated            
with.   The message log states that the job finished successfully.              
We would ask the customer to check elsewhere in PSM, but we are not sure        
where to tell them to look.                                                     
Thanks for your further advice.                                                 
Please review what has been added to this question.  We need you to             
resoond to the update.  Thank you.                                              
Since the job is indicating that it printed successfully, I would doubt         
that there will be any other indication of any errors.  But the places          
to look are in:                                                                 
If these don't give any clues as to what is happening, you will then            
need to use your customers customer number and call into the AIX                
support center for further assistance (1-800-CallAIX).  They                   
will need to run a trace and have the software Level2 read the trace            
to determine what the problem is.                                               
Some other things to be sure of before you call the support center:             
1) Be sure you are at the current maintenance level for PSM GUI and             
   PSM Client.  These can be download from an anonymous ftp site at:            
service.boulder.ibm.com  (                                         
located at: /aix/fixes/v4/other                                                 
Get the latest ptfs for both the psm.client and psmgui.rte filesets.            
2) Another possibility of these symptoms are duplicate ipaddresses.             
   Be sure to verify that the ipaddress assigned to the printer is the          
   only machine with that ipaddress.  To verify this, ping the printer          
   to be sure it is pingable.  If successful, power the printer off and        
   try to ping again.  If you can still ping it, you have a dupicate            
   address and that is your problem.                                            
Please put on the latest maintenance if you don't already have it, look         
at the error logs and verify the ipaddress possibility.  If these all           
check out, then you will need to open an item with the AIX Support              
Thank you for using WWQ&A.                                                      
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psm 4317 network printer aix simms ipds ipaddress ping executive forms          
paper letter 8x11 7x11                                                          

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000155480 ITEM: RTA000155480
Dated: 03/1999 Category: PSMAIX
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:43
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