Nways Manager:JMA and PSM on the NV Client

ITEM: RTA000155714

Topic thread:                                                                   
RALEIGH NETWORKING SYSTEMS CENTER (RALY - NA/ATS)                               
 NWAYS CAMPUS MANAGER SUITE FOR AIX                                             
  NWAYS CAMPUS MANAGER LAN AIX                                                  
   RALY NWAYSAIX                                                                
I have a question about Nways Manager and NetView Client.                       
My customer's management servers are the following.                             
  Management Server: AIX V4.2.1,NetView V4.1.2,Nways Manager V1.2.2             
  Mangement Client : AIX V4.2.1,NetView V4.1.2 Client                           
Q1)Can the customer see the GUI of JMA and PSM on the NV client?                
Q2)If the answer for Q1 is Yes, would you let me know how to customize         
for that needs? or the material describing the way?                             
Q3)Is the JDK 1.1.6 supported by Nways Manager for AIX V1.2.2?                  
Best regards                                                                    
Regardless of the NetView version or Nways version, client/server               
configuration is not supported by Nways as it is not designed for               
client/server operation. With that as the rule, there could be some             
views that work on a NetView client session but are not                         
supported in this mode of operation.                                            
To display JMA views on a client machine/station, use the web access            
capability of Nways and NetView by setting up the already installed             
Apache web server. This does not depend on client/server operation             
for the web access and can be viewed on stations with a web browser.            
JDK v1.1.6 is not supported for Nways Mgr for AIX v1.2.2.                       
Nways Mgr for AIX v1.2.2 supports JDK v1.1.4.4 and is downloadable from         
the Nways support website http://www.networking.ibm.com/support.                
Nways Mgr for AIX v1.2.3(latest) which is now available and also                
orderable as a PTF (U462220) still requires the JDK v1.1.4.4 for install        
of Nways but the Nways v1.2.3 product loads its own Java 1.1.6                  
environment from the install, thereby hopefully, not interfering with           
any other installed version of JDK.                                             

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000155714 ITEM: RTA000155714
Dated: 03/1999 Category: NWAYSAIX
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:43
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