CICS: Does CICS/6000 support the use of sockets?

ITEM: RTA000053238

Q:  Question:                                                                   
    Does CICS/6000 use or support the use of TCP/IP sockets?  If                
    so, where can I get more information on how this is                         
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R:  Response:                                                                   
    CICS/6000 both uses TCP/IP sockets internally for its own                   
    distributed operation and permits CICS applications to be                   
    created which are sockets applications themselves.                          
    CICS/6000 uses the DCE RPC to facilitate communication from                 
    the region to a number of its components including:                        
    o cicsterm/cicsteld - 3270 clients                                          
    o Encina SFS - File manager                                                 
    o PPC Gateway - Connectivity over SNA                                       
    DCE itself uses TCP/IP as the transport protocol for the                    
    From a programming perspective, a CICS/6000 application                     
    written in the C programming language may include calls to                  
    any of the AIX sockets API functions and system calls.                      
    These calls will allow the program to set itself up as a                    
    socket server, make a call to a socket server and pass                      
    information in-between.  There are few restrictions on the                  
    use and types of socket calls allowable:                                   
    o The socket must be terminated at the end of the program.  This            
      can be achieved with close() system call.                                 
    o All programming must adhere to the thread safe programming                
      guidelines mandated by the DCE pthreads library.  Specially:              
      - No process-blocking calls                                               
      - No use of fork(), exec(), sleep()                                       
      - Use the "_r" versions of functions where applicable. ie.                
        gethostbyname_r() instead of gethostbyname()                            
    When compiling a CICS application which includes sockets                    
    calls, compile with the extra flag "-D_ALL_SOURCE" otherwise                
    compilation errors will be produced.                                        
    The use of sockets with CICS/6000 is not currently                          
    documented in any IBM manuals.                                              
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 NK ( upgrader: D73FA09                                                    
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This item was created from library item Q676949      FFMRH                      
Additional search words:                                                       
SUPPORT SUPPORTED TRADE WORLD 6000                                              

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000053238 ITEM: RTA000053238
Dated: 11/1996 Category: KIX6000
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:21
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