CICS: CICS/6000 start-up: Invalid password

ITEM: RTA000051167

Q:  Question:                                                                   
    I have had a stable CICS/6000 environment for many months.                  
    Now CICS died and DCE is unhappy.  SFS had also failed ...                  
    out of space.  We fixed that.  Any ideas on the following?                  
    I use SMIT CICS to start CICS.  I get the following message                 
    in console.msg.                                                             
    ERZ4527E/0087 11/06/94 17:07:22 beever : AIX DCE security                   
    service returned error: 'Invalid password (dce / sec)'                      
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R:  Response:                                                                   
    It appears CICS/6000's passwords (between the DCE registry                  
    and its keytab file) have become out of sync.                               
    A keytab is a file of passwords.  Since CICS/6000, like all                 
    other DCE principals, must authenticate, CICS/6000 retrieves                
    its password from a keytab file when it authenticates with                  
    DCE.  This is a normal convention with servers in the DCE                   
    world.  For security purposes, access to the keytab file is                 
    only allowed to servers that will be accessing passwords,                   
    and the passwords are encrypted.                                            
    To correct the situation in the default CICS/6000                           
    environment, do the following as root and cell_admin.                       
    - change CICS/6000's password in the registry                              
      (you can use 'smitty chpass' for this.  The principle you                 
       are going to change is cics/ and your                       
       principle is cell_admin.  Remember the password you use for              
       CICS/6000 as you will also be supplying the same password                
       on the next command.)                                                    
    - change CICS/6000's password in the keytab file.                           
       - cd /var/cics_regions/                                     
       - # rgy_edit                                                             
         rgy_edit=> ktadd -p cics/ -pw  -f keytab        
         rgy_edit=> quit                                                        
          (where  is the same password that you gave CICS             
           in the first step)                                                   
    At this point you should be able to start your CICS/6000                    
    again.  This procedure was validated using CICS/6000                        
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Q:  Question:                                                                   
    How can I set the appropriate "bits" so that CICS, etc., are                
    not killed by expired passwords in the future?                              
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R:  Response:                                                                   
    CICS/6000 uses a DCE principal to authenticate as when it                   
    starts so that secure communication with other DCE based                   
    servers is possible.                                                        
    CICS does not change the password of the principal during                   
    any of its operation.  By default, the password is also                     
    flagged as "never expiring".                                                
    The reason that your cached password and the real password                  
    were mismatched is a mystery.  Since CICS never changes the                 
    password, the original password set and cached during                       
    CICS/6000 configuration should be valid indefinitely.                       
    To verify that password expiration is disabled, authenticate                
    to DCE as the cell_admin DCE principal.  Execute the "klist"                
    command and see that the "Password Expires: Never" is                       
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 | This entry has been edited for Library/INFO status.|                    
 DW NK ( upgrader: D73FA09                                                 
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This item was created from library item Q674693      FDVBH                      
Additional search words:                                                        
PASSWORD START UP 6000                                                         

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000051167 ITEM: RTA000051167
Dated: 12/1996 Category: KIX6000
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:19
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