Question about the output of nettl command.

ITEM: RTA000073321

I would like to know about the output of nettl command. I got the trace         
report of NV/6000's subsystems (SNMP and OVW). I generated this                 
report following procedure.                                                     
1) Starting nettl.                                                              
2) Setting subsystem (SNMP and OVW) for tracing and starting trace              
   by SMIT.                                                                     
3) Stopping trace by SMIT.                                                      
4) Formating the tracing binary file by netfmt command.                         
   I have the report -- but I can't understand                                  
   some fields of this report.                                                  
My questions are following.                                                     
Q1) What does following fields mean?                                           
         Device ID                                                              
         Path   ID                                                              
         Connection ID                                                          
Q2) Above fields of the report which I got had been set "-1".                   
    What does this mean?                                                        
Development offers the following:                                               
 I have investigated the code, and it appears that this is HP-UX specific       
 capability to trace tcp/ip sockets (Connection ID), pids, (Process ID),        
 etc. These fields are not meaningful in the NV/6000 AIX world; this area       
 needs some work for the future.                                                
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
PROBLEM DETERMINATION                                                           

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000073321 ITEM: RTA000073321
Dated: 06/1995 Category: ITSCSAIXNV6
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