A device driver for a modem on RS/6000 machine.

ITEM: RTA000087722

My customer is looking for a device driver package for a modem                  
containing a C interface for controlling the modem from a C program.            
The functionality that the customer is looking for is currently                 
contained in AIX.  AIX treats a modem as a generic TTY device.  As              
a result, modems can be controled through the standard TTY device               
driver.  In order to control the modem with a C program, the customer           
will need to use C functions to access the TTY device driver.  This             
is done though a series of ioctl() calls to the TTY device driver.              
The ioctl calls and related structures necessary to do this are                 
documented in 'Writing a Device Driver for AIX Version 3.2' Chapter 5,          
'The TTY Subsystem' (GG24-3629-01).                                             
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
MODEM DEVICE DRIVER TTY RISC                                                    

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000087722 ITEM: RTA000087722
Dated: 12/1995 Category: ITSAI6000HW
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