Virtual Printer and lpr command

ITEM: RTA000086942

   RS/6000 25T & AIX + CANON Laser-Shot(local printer)                  
# lpr -h -w200                                                         
When I try this command, the following error occurs:                            
      0782-006 : -w flag not expected check the flags.                          
When I used this printer directly with ethernet card, it's no problem.          
This command is hard-coded in user-application.                                 
So if it's possible, I'd like to modify printer parameters, not                 
    The only way that we could re-create this error was to remove the           
    'w' attribute from the 'ik' attribute.  If the 'w' attribute is             
    not included in the 'ik' attribute, it will not be considered a             
    valid flag to be used with the 'lpr' command.  The default value            
    for the 'ik' attribute includes the 'w' attribute.  To check the            
    'ik' attribute, type 'lsvirprt'.  You will need root authority              
    to change this attribute.  Select your virtual printer.  Type 'ik'          
    to show the value of this attribute.  The end of its value should           
    look similar to '%f.zitbwlpvesuxEWjJXZLVF.'.  The 'w' needs to be           
    included within the brackets.  If it is not, you may type 'ik~v'            
    to edit the attribute with the vi editor.                                   
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                 
PRINTER FLAG W ATTRIBUTE                                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000086942 ITEM: RTA000086942
Dated: 12/1995 Category: ITSAI6000HW
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