Excel 5.0 and Wabi ver. 1.1

ITEM: RTA000064443

Are there any plans to make Excel 5.0 a supported application under             
Wabi for AIX ?                                                                  
When installing it complains about missing share.exe                            
IBM has not published in the announcement letters any information               
concerning Excel 5.0 support under WABI, nor has IBM released a                 
statement of direction to this effect.  Information about IBM's                 
future plans that is not listed in the announcement letters or in               
a statement of direction is classified IBM Confidential and is                  
not appropriate for release in this forum.  IBM will release this               
information on a need-to-know basis only.                                      
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000064443 ITEM: RTA000064443
Dated: 01/1995 Category: ITSAI6000GE
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