HLLAPI questions

ITEM: RS4000014781

**************> QUESTION level 1 --> level 2 SPECIALIST <**************         
One of our customer is developing a HLLAPI application.                         
He has 2 problems:                                                              
1. he is not able to write on a protected field.                                
   He is looking for the function that allows this.                             
2. he is not able to send a High Key W as closure of a string                   
   read from a magnetic badge.                                                  
   Is there a function for this too?                                            
Any suggestion on these 2 items? He has tried both with HLLAPI                  
and with g32, but till now has find no solution.                                
Thanks in advance, best regards, Marina.                                        
**************> ANSWER   level 2 --> level 1 SPECIALIST <**************         
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PMR E0372,998,758 was created on 96/12/05 at 11:20:12.                         
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====> ASGN: SGARDNER AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961205                  
Received by Austin ITSC and assigned to AIXOPSYS.                               
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====> RESP: AIXOPSYS AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961205                  
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Correction to previous question:                                                
I've beeb told that the correct name for the string customer is                 
not able to send is AID key W and NOT HIGH key as I inderstood.                 
Thanks for helping us, best regards, Marina.                                    
**************> ANSWER   level 2 --> level 1 SPECIALIST <**************         
====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
PMR E0372,998,758 was updated on 96/12/06 at 09:22:13.                          
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====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
====> ASGN: SGARDNER AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961206                  
Received by Austin ITSC and assigned to AIXOPSYS.                               
Your question has been received and assigned to a specialist. Please            
wait for a reply. Thank you                                                     
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====> RESP: AIXOPSYS AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961206                  
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Additional information:                                                         
The HP machine with OSF Op.Sys. can issue a '104 REQUEST' that does the         
the job...The developer inserted such request with no compiling errors          
but it doesn't work. Do we support (or will we) this request ?                 
Thanks. L.M.                                                                    
**************> ANSWER   level 2 --> level 1 SPECIALIST <**************         
====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
PMR E0372,998,758 was updated on 96/12/09 at 10:43:30.                          
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====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
====> ASGN: BUNLOEUR AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961209                  
Received by Austin ITSC and assigned to AIXOPSYS.                               
Your question has been received, and assigned to a specialist.  Please          
wait for a reply.  Thank you.                                                   
**************> ANSWER   level 2 --> level 1 SPECIALIST <**************         
====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
====> RESP: AIXOPSYS AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961209                 
There is no HLLAPI documentation available for either of the questions          
your customer has.  A HLLAPI program can only do what an hcon user              
can do in their 3270 display session and normally protected fields              
are not meant to be written to.  If your customer needs to change               
one of these fields he should talk to his VTAM/Application programmer           
to get the field changed to an unprotected state in the host                    
presentation space.                                                             
If you can provide more information on what a "High Key W" is, I                
will research to see if there is any way to send this keystroke.                
REGARDS TO THE SECOND PORTION OF YOUR INQUIRY OF..........                      
Correction to previous question:                                                
I've beeb told that the correct name for the string customer is                 
not able to send is AID key W and NOT HIGH key as I inderstood.                 
Thanks for helping us, best regards, Marina.                                    
ADDITIONAL RESPONSE:                                                            
I found some information on the AID bytes possible for the 3270 data            
stream (which is what HLLAPI uses) in a manual titled "3270 Information         
Display System, Data Stream Programmer's Reference", pub number                 
GA23-0059.  The AID key W is not one of the listed bytes but your              
customer may be able to find a substitute in the list.  This manual             
also explains how/when the customer's application can send AID bytes,           
which he/she would probably find useful.                                        
Thank you for using AIX Support services.                                       

WWQA: ITEM: RS4000014781 ITEM: RS4000014781
Dated: 12/1996 Category: AIXCOMMS
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