ITEM: Z8871L

HP PCL Printer will not duplex under PSF/AIX 2.1 & AIX 4.1.3

ENV:  AIX 4.1.3
      PSF for AIX v2.1
      HP Laserjet (PCL) Printers

DESC:  When sending duplex jobs through PSF to the HP printer, the jobs
only print simplex.  The same printers running under PSF/6000 v1.2 and
AIX 3.2.5 will duplex with no problems.  (No changes have been made to
the PageDef or FormDef being used.)  Why is this happening?

ACT:  Explained that the bin mapping options for the printer queues of 
the HP printers need to explicity state that the printer is capable of
duplexing output:

  smit psfcfg
    Show / Change Characteristics of a Printer
      Bin Mapping Options