ITEM: Z3790L

How to set AIX dispatching for SNA Server

Question:   Wants to know how to give his SNA processes higher 
            priority than other processes on the system.

In general, users should NOT reset the priority at which sna processses
run.  The range for sna and dlc deamons is 38-60 and is set for a 
given process via the setpri call at start time.  What value to use
is part of AIXSNA design.  Because of dependencies among various sna
processes, a process with a poorly chosen priority can result in
an aixsna hang or perhaps a system wide hang.
Higher AIXSNA performance can be obtained via tuning which may require
changes to page space, available memory, the buffer pool, or pacing at
the link or session level.  TP design and code may also affect AIXSNA
AIXSNA daemons (lux processes) now run at 60; they ran at 50 in some 
versions of AIXSNA but in some systems this caused problems
with other products not getting enough run time.   
All comments above still apply to changing priority -- it is a 
design issue and can cause hangs if set incorrectly.
The main sna daemons can be run at a higher priority then the default
of 60 with an environment variable "SNA_PRIORITY=SERVER".  This will
result in lux processes set to 50.  Since SRC owns the parent sna
process, the variable must be set from the startsrc command with the
environment flag or be set in /etc/environment.
\# startsrc -s sna -e SNA_PRIORITY=SERVER
.Do _NOT_ nice other sna processes and do _NOT_ run the lux daemons
at too high a priority.  Lab systems crash and burn at 40.

Support Line: How to set AIX dispatching for SNA Server ITEM: Z3790L
Dated: December 1995 Category: N/A
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