ITEM: Y3197L

curses program compiled alters window colors on exit


curses program compiled alters window colors on exit


DESC: Customer has found that the curses programs that he compiles in
AIX 4.1 will, upon exit, cause his window colors to go to black
background and green foreground.


The following is from a PMR: -ALVAREZ, ABRAHAM      -576539300  -L165/-------P3S3-95/07/14-16:05--AT
In 4.1.2 libcurses is mostly a port form AT&T and the code contains
code that, on exit, restores the screen to the colors defined on
the specific terminfo file for the op ( orig_pair ). For the aixterm,
this value is defined under the cdef section.  The default value of op
is \\E[32m\\E[40m. - aixterm actually has a 'use cdef' statement.

In addition:
From AIX 4.1 /usr/lib/terminfo/ibm.ti file see.
\#color definitions added according to HP method. But they are hard coded
\#pairs. If the user wants to change a pair, then he has to change the escape
\#sequences of one of the following pairs. If he wants to add an extra pair then
\#he has to change the "pairs" variable to the new value. The original pair is
\#the default green foreground with black background.
\# The color pairs below are as explained in the following notation
\# (n)fg/bg  where "n" is the pair number, fg =foreground color,
\# and bg = background color.

 I also explained that he could make custom aixterms
and change the definitions.  One could do this with:

blterm|Blue aixterm definition
        op=\\E[37\\E[41, use=aixterm,

NEXT:  close

Support Line: curses program compiled alters window colors on exit ITEM: Y3197L
Dated: August 1995 Category: N/A
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