ITEM: W9140L

How to force a system dump on a hung SP2 node


Env:    SP2, AIX 3.2.5

Desc:   Customer needs to know how to force a dump on a hung SP2 node.

Action: The procedure is fundamentally the same as on a regular RS/6000
        machine:  put the key in service and hit reset.  Since there
        is no key and no reset button on the front on the SP2 node, we
        will have to implement this "virtually".

        * Start up the GUI with "spmon -g".
        * Make sure that "Numlock" is turned OFF.
        * On the resulting dialogue box, click on "SP" and select
                "Display Layouts".
        * Select the proper Frame and Node.
        * Select "Node Front Panel".
        * Select "Service" and then click on "Reset".
        * At the Confirmation Window, select "Reset".   

        The LED panel will show 0c2, and then either 0c0 or 0c4
        when complete.

Next:   Close.

Support Line: How to force a system dump on a hung SP2 node ITEM: W9140L
Dated: August 1995 Category: N/A
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