ITEM: V0069L

0516-059 on extendvg with 9333 serial drive


Env:    3.2.5, 9333 serial drive

Desc:   Replaced a serial drive and get this error on extendvg:
0516-059 Unable to read physical volume, or the physical volume
        may not have an ID

Action: \# lspv : shows PVid of the previous drive
        \# hdf /dev/hdisk3 80 10 : shows the following output:
00000080   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|

        This indicates there is actually no PVid on the drive itself.

        We removed the device and reconfigured it:
        \# rmdev -dl hdisk3
        \# cfgmgr

        "lpsv" still showed no PVid, so we ran:
        \# chdev -l hdisk3 -a pv=yes

        The "chdev" command with "-a pv=yes" will assign a PVid to 
        a disk that has none.  This can be verified with "hdf".

Next:   Close.

Support Line: 0516-059 on extendvg with 9333 serial drive ITEM: V0069L
Dated: May 1995 Category: N/A
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