ITEM: U5602L

How can I get Xstation microcode updates?


How can I go about getting the most recent microcode for my
Xstation 140, 150 and 160?  Can I get this from the FIXDIST
server or some other server on the Internet?


ACT:   You can retrieve the most recent microcode for the Xstation
        which has been sent to manufacturing via the following:

        FTP to (
                Note:  this is the FIXDIST server
        Login as anonymous
        cd /fiximages
                This directory contains the most recent microcode for
        downloading for each of the Xstations.  There is 
        a README or .how file for each to descibe how to
        install this microcode on the host server.  Remember
        that you will need to have the "Automatic Update of FLASH"
        parameter on the Xstation local menus, set to ENABLE to
        allow the new flash code to be updated into the Xstation.

NXT:    Close.

Support Line: How can I get Xstation microcode updates? ITEM: U5602L
Dated: May 1995 Category: N/A
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~13:30:35
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