ITEM: S3222L
SP2: setup_server says en0 not in ODM
ENV: AIX 3.2.5, SP2
DESC: customer is doing an install of the sp2 and is following the
instructions in the manual to load the sp software. He moved the
image to hard disk using bffcreate and renamed it sp.installp.
He created a table of contents for this install image and used smitty
to do the install. It is prompting him to insert the second volume
and hit enter to continue. The image is on a hard disk so there
is no second volume.
3-digit display would not come up. Told him to append /usr/lib/X11/app-
defaults to .Xdefaults and it should work.
Problem is:
PSSP software is installed on the CWS, and now he's trying to
customize the SP2 nodes. He starts to run "setupserver" and gets
a message that the "Information for adapter en0 is not found in ODM."
He reruns CW install and retries and still gets the same message.
UPDATE: Customer was seeing the following messages running setup_server:
/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/setup_server: Starting setup_server
/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/setup_server: Running services_config script to configu
re SSP s
ervices.This may take a few minutes...
Get_Interfaces: Information for adapter en0 was not found in ODM.
/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/setup_server: Starting to set up install server.
host: 0827-801 Host name rivetsp1.RedBrick.COM does not exist.
.The problem was there was not a netmask defined for en0. There is
an apar for this problem, IX48344. We defined a netmask
and then no longer got the Get_Interfaces error. He is still getting
the 0827-801 error but this is because customer is using dns and the names
are not there.
Customer had a question of which switch type he has.
We issued the command "spmon -l frame1/switch17/type/value"
which returned /SP/frame/frame1/switch17/type/value/49.
The 49 indicates he should use If he had
seen 50, then he would use the which is the
8-port HPS.
Support Line: SP2: setup_server says en0 not in ODM ITEM: S3222L
Dated: May 1995 Category: N/A
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