ITEM: Q0986L

UxSetSubprocClosure causes AIC compile error in ANSI mode.


Env:    AIC 1.2

Desc:   When using the statement:
           UxSetSubprocClosure(handle, UxGetWidget(widgetX));
        The statement compiles fine when using K&R code but when
        using ANSI mode receive a compiler error of:
           Function all argument cannot be assigned to
           corresponding parameter.
        How do you compile the instruction when using K&R 
        compile mode?


Desc:   When compiling in ANSI C, the second parameters must be of
        type char*.  Since UxWidget returns a XtWidget type it must 
        be retyped.  When compiling in ANSI C, use the following 
           UxSetSubprocClosure(handle, (char *)UxGetWidget(widgetx));

Support Line: UxSetSubprocClosure causes AIC compile error in ANSI mode. ITEM: Q0986L
Dated: December 1994 Category: N/A
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