ITEM: Q0265L

workbench: RAS file failure, could not open in softdb


Env:  Workbench 2.1, CSet ++                                            
Desc:  Customer has Workbench up and running, however, when trying      
    to run the debugger on a C++ file customer receives the             
    error message:                                                      
       "RAS file failure, could not open on line 155 in softdb"         
    No error message number provided.                                   


The RAS file is a file opened by the debugger to trace debugger state   
information. This error usually occurs when the ras file (in this case  
$HOME/.softdb.ras) is not writable by the Program Debugger. Make sure   
that file has write permission for the userid running softdb.           

Support Line: workbench: RAS file failure, could not open in softdb ITEM: Q0265L
Dated: December 1994 Category: N/A
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