ITEM: P4479L

problem relating to aic/ geometry problem


Desc: Customer is reporting that when using aic's property editor to modify
the behavior of a application, he has found that he is unable to specify        
negative values for geometry placement.  Also observes the same undesired       
effect if starting the client from the command line.  Customer wants to
know why a conventional X client, ie. xterm, xclock is able to use the  
desired geometry option but a client created with aic apparently does not
follow the same conventions.

        I believe the problem is after they set the geometry resource
        in the Property Editor for an application shell that they are
        unable to override it on the command line.  For example 
             Untitled -geometry +0+0
        would have no effect since the geometry is set by the application
        in the property editor.  However if they do want to override where
        the window is placed they can start the application with:
             Untitled -xrm "*geometry +0+0"
        which will override the geometry setting.

Next:   Waiting on customer callback.


Act:    Closing due to customer not calling back.

Support Line: problem relating to aic/ geometry problem ITEM: P4479L
Dated: December 1994 Category: N/A
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