ITEM: N6483L

Can HCON LUT3 defined printers print greater than 80 columns wide?

Question: I have an AIX printer that is defined as an LUT3 printer using
          HCON and SNA Server.  I am unable to get the printer to print
          anything greater than 80 columns wide.  I am using AIX 3.2.4 and
          HCON 1.3.1.   I would like to be able to send a 170 column print
          job to the RS/6000 printer.  I am able to send the job, but the
          printer truncates that output to 80 columns.

Answer:   Unfortunately, HCON's LUT3 emulation only supports 80 columns in width.
          The supported LOGMODE for an SNA Printer session (LU Type 3) is as 

               LU3270  MODEENT  LOGMODE=LU3279,FMPROF=X'02',

          Byte 7 indicates the primary width of presentation area (hex 50) and
          byte 9 indicate the secondary width of the presentation (hex 50) area.
          Hex 50 = decimal 80.  

          One thing that you can try is to issue the "-L 132" flag with the e789pr
          command as in the following example:

                                 'e789pr -L 132 a &'  

          This command will print using more than 80 columns wide for LU3 printer
          sessions, provided that the AIX Print Queue that the host print job is
          going to is set for 130 columns.  

          The "e789pr" command is part of HCON 1.3.1 and above.  This command allows
          the printer session to be run in the background.  If you have HCON 1.3.0 you
          not be able to use the e789pr command.

Support Line: Can HCON LUT3 defined printers print greater than 80 columns wide? ITEM: N6483L
Dated: November 1994 Category: N/A
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