ITEM: N2594L

CMVC problem with the level check and the level commit process.


Env:    CMVC 2.2
        Sybase 4.9.2
        RISC 530 or 580

Desc:   Customer is using a LevelCheck and with the short version,
        he is getting a message saying 5 prereqs are needed.  With the
        long version of the LevelCheck, he gets a message that says
        coreq and prereq check is complete.  He thinks there should
        be a correlation between the two and wonders if there is
        something wrong with this. 

D:  Customer is seeing this behavior:

  ==>Level -check ics9441.0003 -long -release ics01.01
  ==>Level -check ics9441.0003 -release ics01.01
  prerequisite defect 1594, release ics01.01.
  prerequisite defect 1639, release ics01.01.
  prerequisite defect 1653, release ics01.01.
  prerequisite defect 1662, release ics01.01.
  prerequisite defect 1663, release ics01.01.
  prerequisite defect 1665, release ics01.01.

This behavior appears inconsistent.  Customer also commented that
defect 1665 is not a levelMember of ics9441.0003; this is verified by
looking at the defect:

  Defect 1665 :

  level member: none.
    type     SID         pathName
    -------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
    delta    1.2         src/lib/xlate/aolutilities/dsPutCTSText.c

They are also seeing inconsistent results at level ics9441.0004 with
and without the -long option for Level.

Desc:   Told customer that this problem would be        
        fixed in CMVC version 2.3.

Support Line: CMVC problem with the level check and the level commit process. ITEM: N2594L
Dated: October 1994 Category: N/A
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