ITEM: M8812L

AIX snmpinfo queries error out

When I issue:
 snmpinfo -m get -c public syscontact0
it returns with 
 Error at Position 0
Check the contents of /etc/mib.defs and ensure that it has not been
modified. Verify that /etc/snmpd.conf has correct permissions. Check
that the machine that is able to read the snmp information has proper
name resolution (in either /etc/hosts or named database). Refresh

- snmpinfo [-m get|next] [-v] [-c community] [-d level] [-h hostname]
           [-o objectsfile]... [-t tries] variable.instance...
- snmpinfo -m set [-v] [-c community] [-d level] [-h hostname]
           [-o objectsfile]... [-t tries] variable.instance=value...
- snmpinfo -m dump [-v] [-c community] [-d level] [-h hostname]
           [-o objectsfile]... [-t tries] [variable.instance...]

\# snmpinfo -m get sysContact.0="Jan's mean machine"
noSuchName at position 0
>>>>> failure: invalid community name, variable not set.

>>>>> TRY:
\# snmpinfo -m set -v -h `hostname` -c community_name -t 3 sysContact.0=Jan   
sysContact.0 = "Jan"
>>>>>> This is a succesful command execution, check it by issuing:
\# snmpinfo -m get -v sysContact.0                            
>>>>>> This shows you that the command was succesfully executed.
sysContact.0 = "Jan"

\# snmpinfo -m set -v -h `hostname` -c community_name -t 3 sysLocation.0=E3-517 
sysLocation.0 = "E3-517"
\# snmpinfo -m get -v sysLocation.0
sysLocation.0 = "E3-517"

Support Line: AIX snmpinfo queries error out ITEM: M8812L
Dated: October 1994 Category: N/A
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