ITEM: M0384L
Trying to get syslog to log info about sendmail
I am trying to get syslog to log information about sendmail.
How do I accomplish this.
The following will set up sendmail logging:
1) edit the syslog.conf file and add the following line:
mail.debug /var/spool/mqueue/log
2) touch /var/spool/mqueue/log (i.e. make sure the log file exists)
3) stopsrc -s syslogd
4) startsrc -s syslogd
After doing the above the customer successfully had mail information
logged to the /var/spool/mqueue/log file. The shell script
/usr/lib/smdemon.cleanu can be put into the crontab file to
roll the logs each night to provide a clean daily log.
Support Line: Trying to get syslog to log info about sendmail ITEM: M0384L
Dated: August 1994 Category: N/A
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