ITEM: L5882L
Problem creating logical volume using partition map.
ENV: AIX 3.2.5 model 980b
DESC: Trying to backup mirrored LV using following instructions:
make a record of the physical partitions which make up the
logical volume by typing:
\# lslv -m lv00
0001 0012 hdisk1 0019 hdisk2
0002 0013 hdisk1 0020 hdisk2
0003 0014 hdisk1 0021 hdisk2
0004 0015 hdisk1 0022 hdisk2
0005 0016 hdisk1 0023 hdisk2
Note that the 2nd and 3rd columns show the physical partitions
used by the first copy (on hdisk1), and the 4th and 5th
columns (which we will use) show the partitions used by the
second copy. Note also that our filesystem contains 5
logical partitions (comprised of 10 physical partitions).
Using this information, we can construct a map file of the
partitions used by the second copy of the logical volume for
later use. Create a file, which we will call "/tmp/lv00map"
using your preferred text editor. The following information
should be entered (with no leading spaces or spaces within):
---------------BEGIN TEXT--------------
----------------END TEXT---------------
---------------BEGIN TEXT--------------
----------------END TEXT---------------
Now, assuming that the copy is currently active and up-to-date,
we will remove the second copy from the logical volume as follows:
\# rmlvcopy lv00 1 hdisk2
Specifying "hdisk2" in this command ensures that only the copy
that exists on hdisk2 is removed. By default, if you omit
the disk name, the last copy created will be removed first.
When this command completes, the physical partitions previously
allocated to this logical volume copy are unallocated. They may
now be allocated to another logical volume. For this reason, it
is very important that no user be allowed to create or extend any
logical volumes or filesystems at this time, as you run the risk
of writing over our backup copy.
Since we recorded in our map file, "/tmp/lv00map", the physical
partitions previously used by the copy, we can use this map file
to create a new logical volume using the same partitions. Doing
so will not write over the actual data which resided inside the
physical partitions:
***** \# mklv -y templv -m /tmp/lv00map vg00 5 **********
Note that we called out new logical volume "templv". We entered
"vg00" as the name of the volume group, and "5" is the number
of physical partitions specified in the map file.
We can now mount the filesystem to another directory as follows:
\# mount -V jfs -o log=/dev/LOGname /dev/templv /mnt
where LOGname is the name of a jfs log logical volume in the
volume group.
The mklv command fails with
0516-423 allocp: Not enough entries in mapfile to fulfill allocation.
There is a known problem with allocp that causes this error. Allocp is
"picky" about the way the mapfile is organized. The partitions must be in
order from lower to higher and, if multiple drives, the drives must
appear in the same order from bottom to top.
EX1: The following mapfile would cause a problem, because the first set of
disks are in a different order then the following ones.
EX2: Changing the order of the first three lines to match the following ones
should resolve the problem.
hdisk1:77 \<--
hdisk2:77 \<--
hdisk0:77 \<--
Another possible workaround, when using mirroring, is to remove the lvcopies
and recreate them. This will create a new partition map for the logical
volumes that allocp might like better.
Support Line: Problem creating logical volume using partition map. ITEM: L5882L
Dated: August 1994 Category: N/A
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