ITEM: K3788L

Unable to change resource through resource file.


AIX 3.2.4, AIX windows X11r5, motif 1.2, risc model 360

I have created an application where I create a topLevel shell.  I am unable
to change the title of the topLevel shell in a resource file when I specify:

   *.topLevelShellName.title: newTitle

How can I change the title of the topLevelShell from a resource file:


Popup the topLevel shell using the function XtPopup(widget, XtGrabNone).  Once
you use the XtPopup function (instead of the XtRealize function) it will work.

Support Line: Unable to change resource through resource file. ITEM: K3788L
Dated: June 1994 Category: N/A
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