ITEM: K0476L

using nis/nfs; users login and put into /usr/guest.


Customer has systems using NIS/NFS and automounter. On a regular basis,
(every other day) when users login, they are put in /usr/guest instead of
their home directories which are NFS mounted. The customer said either rebooting
the system, or restarting ypbind is solving the problem but wants a permanent

The problem is either with the automounter or the system that is exporting 
the home directories to the local system. I asked the customer to see if he 
can cd to the home dirs when the problem occurs and look for problems with 
the NFS server like a 100% full root dir. The customer said the NFS server did
have a 100% full / (root) file system, so I had him clear some files to free up 
disk space in this directory. We restarted ypbind and on the client and 
re-exported the filesystems on the NFS server and the problem was resolved. 
He will keep an eye on the root file system free space to make sure they it 
does not fill up again. 

Support Line: using nis/nfs; users login and put into /usr/guest. ITEM: K0476L
Dated: July 1994 Category: N/A
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