Error restrieving data from stacked vgbackups

 PROBLEM: Customer is having a problem recreating vg
  information from a stacked muliple-volume
  backup that was made with Sysback.  The
  way the backup was made was with three
  separate mkvgback commands, and the last
  two mkvgback commands had -n flags on
  them to have the tape not rewind.  All three
  backups appear to be on the same volume.
  The customer was able to use SMIT to
  restore vg information on the first vg backed
  up on the tape at the first backup image.
  The customer cannot restore the second
  vg contained on the second image, however.
  Attempts to restore vg information from the
  second backup image report the error:
  vg info for rdbm02vg is not included on the backup
  Even though the vg's name appears when an
  sbread command is ran on the header.

*ACTION TAKEN: Customer cannot recreate it through command
  line, nor can he recreate vg 3 on the command
  line.  The three vg's are named: rdbm01vg,
  rdbm02vg, and rdbm03vg, backed up with their
  data in the three backups on the tape, respectively.
  Used the command from command line to restore
  vg named "rdbm01vg":
  remakevg -vn -h \ -E -f /dev/rmt1 \
  This same command did not work with the next two
  Rewound and fsf tape through the various images on
  the tape, ran sbheader with no problems at each of
  the backup images.  The sbread commands always
  reported the correct vg information:
  sbread -H /dev/rmt1.1
  Rewound and "tctl -f /dev/rmt1.1 fsf 10" to the first image
  of backup image 2 (for volume group rdbm02vg) then ran:
  sbread -T /dev/rmt1.1 > \
  This logged the results into \.  When \
  was read, the following information was reported:
  type: vg
  etc.  So the information reported seemed normal.
  Also, it appears as if the vg's data is there on the tape,
  and I would guess that the vg information is there too,
  just seems inaccessible to Sysback when ran through
  SMIT or command line.


Make sure you have 4.2.1.x of sysback
.1.  cd /usr/sbin
2.  cp remakevg
3.  vi remakevg
     Goto line 424
.     CHANGE:
     if [ \\( $devtype = TAPE -o $devtype = VDEV \\) ]
           then \# Position tape to backup header
.     TO:
     if [ "$rewind" != n -a \\( $devtype = TAPE -o $devtype = VDEV \\) ]
           then \# Position tape to backup header
.NOTE:  You are adding the entry  "$rewind" != n -a    to the if
.This will be fixed with sysback.rte


Closing with Customer Approval

Support Line: Error restrieving data from stacked vgbackups ITEM: JD9238L
Dated: December 1998 Category: N/A
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