ITEM: J2796L

3270 emulation with 3151 terminal using tn, tn -e 3270, or telnet.


Can you provide an example of what changes need to be made to allow
our 3151 terminal user to be able to access the host mainframe
correctly.  i.e.  what do I need to do to provdie the the
/etc/3270.keys function since it does not have mappings for a 3151.


Change the "if" structure in the /etc/3270.keys file as follows:

if hft or hft-m or ibm5151 or ibm6153 or ibm5154 or ibm6153-90 or ibm6153-40 or
   ibm6154 or ibm6154-90 or ibm6154-40 or ibm6155 or ibm6155-113 or
   ibm6155-56 or ibm5081 or ibm5081-113 or ibm5081-56 or
   hft.U or ibm5151.U or ibm6153.U or ibm5154.U or ibm6153-90.U or
   ibm6153-40.U or ibm6154.U or ibm6154-90.U or ibm6154-40.U or
   ibm6155.U or ibm6155-113.U or ibm6155-56.U or ibm5081.U or
   aixterm or aixterm-m or jaixterm or jaixterm-m or
   ibm5081-113.U or ibm5081-56.U or hft-m-old or aixterm-m-old or
   aixterm-old or hft-nam-old or hft-c-old or hft-old  load /etc/3270keys.hft
else if ibm3151 or ibm3161 or ibm3163 or ibm3164 or ibm3161-C or
   ibm3162 or ibm3151-51 or ibm3151-61 load /etc/3151keys
else print NOBINDINGS

Note that all I did was check for the TERM variable of 3151 etc, if it
is found load the file /etc/3151keys which follows (and you will need
to create this file):

\#      3278/79       3151 sequence  3151 key       *
\#      FUNCTION                                    *

bind    clear           "\\eL"       \#  Clear
\#bind    reset           "\\eK"       \#c_Clear
bind    pf1             "\\ea"       \#  f1
bind    pf2             "\\eb"       \#  f2
bind    pf3             "\\ec"       \#  f3
bind    pf4             "\\ed"       \#  f4
bind    pf5             "\\ee"       \#  f5
bind    pf6             "\\ef"       \#  f6
bind    pf7             "\\eg"       \#  f7
bind    pf8             "\\eh"       \#  f8
bind    pf9             "\\ei"       \#  f9
bind    pf10            "\\ej"       \#  f10
bind    pf11            "\\ek"       \#  f11
bind    pf12            "\\el"       \#  f12
bind    pf13            "\\e!a"      \#s_f1
bind    pf14            "\\e!b"      \#s_f2
bind    pf15            "\\e!c"      \#s_f3
bind    pf16            "\\e!d"      \#s_f4
bind    pf17            "\\e!e"      \#s_f5
bind    pf18            "\\e!f"      \#s_f6
bind    pf19            "\\e!g"      \#s_f7
bind    pf20            "\\e!h"      \#s_f8
bind    pf21            "\\e!i"      \#s_f9
bind    pf22            "\\e!j"      \#s_f10
bind    pf23            "\\e!k"      \#s_f11
bind    pf24            "\\e!l"      \#s_f12
\# bind    crsrsel         "\\e[045q"       \#a_f9
\# bind    blink           "\\e[046q"       \#a_f10
\# bind    altcrsr         "\\e[047q"       \#a_f11
\# bind    click           "\\e[048q"       \#a_f12
\# bind    print           "\\e[209q"       \#  Print Screen
\# bind    ident           "\\e[210q"       \#s_Print Screen
bind    return          "\^m"            \#  Enter
bind    enter           "\\e8\^m"         \#  Action 
bind    insertmode      "\\eP"           \#  Insert
bind    pa1             "\\e!m"          \#c_f1
bind    pa2             "\\e!n"          \#c_f2
bind    pa3             "\\e!o"          \#c_f3
bind    delete          "\\eQ"           \#  Delete
bind    home            "\\eH"           \#  Home
bind    eraseeof        "\\eI"           \#  Erase EOF
bind    eraseinput      "\\eK"           \#  ErInp
bind    left            "\\eD"           \#  Left Arrow
bind    up              "\\eA"           \#  Up Arrow
bind    down            "\\eB"           \#  Down Arrow
bind    right           "\\eC"           \#  Right Arrow
bind    tab             "\\t"            \#  Tab
bind    backtab         "\\e2"           \#s_Tab
bind    backspace       "\\b"            \#  Backspace
bind    wordnext        "\\e[168q"       \#c_Right Arrow
bind    wordprev        "\\e[159q"       \#c_Left Arrow
bind    penselect       "\\e[209q"       \#  Print Screen
\# colors
bind    low_prot        cyan             \# low intensity protected
bind    low_unprot      green            \# low intensity unprotected
bind    high_prot       white            \# high intensity protected
bind    high_unprot     red              \# high intensity unprotected

Note that the above works for tn, tn -e 3270 and telnet.  It will not
work for tn3270 since tn3270 uses the /etc/map3270 file.

Lastly, make sure that you 3151 has the following in it's setup menus.

  Auto LF:  OFF
  Line Wrap: ON
  Forcing Insert: BOTH
  Tab:  FIELD

  Turnaround character:  CR

  Enter:  RETURN
  Return: NEW LINE
  New Line:  CR
  Send: PAGE
  Insert Character:  MODE

Support Line: 3270 emulation with 3151 terminal using tn, tn -e 3270, or telnet. ITEM: J2796L
Dated: May 1994 Category: N/A
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~13:30:43
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