ITEM: I3729L

4019 Laser Printer, condensed printing, and font cards


I have upgraded to AIX, 3.2.5, and now I can't print in
condensed mode, anymore.  In the earlier AIX version, I changed
the virtual printer characteristic, _K, which control condensed
printer.  However, at 3.2.5 I notice that the _K attribute is
listed as "(not used)".  How can print in condensed mode?


If you try to create a virtual printer for a 4019 (and many other
laser printers), then you will notice that the _K is listed as 
"(not used)".  Note, that in earlier versions of AIX, this parameter 
controlled condensed printing.  Yet, condensing printing produces 
the same output as reducing the pitch; therefore, the _K option 
(aka condensed printing) has been abandoned for many of the virtual 
printer because it seemed redundant.

This is one way that you can print, in a smaller pitch, from
the command line:

        qprt -p15 -Pqueue filename

However this command will fail if 15 pitch is not one of the
Resident pitch/font sizes available as listed by the "ba" virtual
printer attribute.  Note:  15 pitch is not resident for the 4019.

It may be the case that you have a font card installed on your
4019 printer which is very common for the 4019 (and similar models).
For example,by default, the 4019 printer doesn't contain a 15 pitch 
font unless you have a 01 Font Card (italic) which contains courier 
15 pitch.  Let's say that this card is installed in the Top Font
Card Slot, on your 4019, then you must set the virtual printer 
attribute, "sA" to 01 (or use "sB" if installed in the bottom font 
card slot). Once you do the above, then you should be able to print 
in 15 pitch with the qprt command.

For more information, you may scan the various virtual printer
attribute with the "lsvirprt" command.

Support Line: 4019 Laser Printer, condensed printing, and font cards ITEM: I3729L
Dated: June 1994 Category: N/A
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