ITEM: I2551L

3004-687 & 628 errors when adding user in SMIT


I have an Risc System/6000 at 3.2.5 and I have been adding users 
in SMIT. All was working well and then SMIT started to act strange. 
When I went to add another user, I got:

 3004-687: User "userid" does not exist.
 3004-628: Error in executing "/bin/rmuser"

Why is this trying to remove a user when I am adding one? Also, I
checked the smit.log and it is not in there. What is wrong?


When adding the user, rmuser is also called.  That is why you are 
getting that error.  We found that the root filesystem was 100% used. 
We increased it with:

   \# chfs -a size=+1 /

We looked at the /etc/passwd file and the last line was only partially
there. Rather than remove the line (because we would also need to
remove it from other files), I had you to go back into SMIT and
choose change/show for that user. You then added in the missing
fields and ran the command again. When you tried to do the change/show 
again just to check it, SMIT returned the following error:

  1820-037 An internal error or system error has occurred.  
  See the log file for further information.

We looked at the error file and it said that the system ran out of
paging space. You have 128 MB of RAM and lsps -a shows 4 paging spaces
adding up to 256 MB and hardly used at all. We looked at the /etc/passwd
file again and found that it had a colon (:) at the end of the last line.
We removed that and all is fine now.

Support Line: 3004-687 & 628 errors when adding user in SMIT ITEM: I2551L
Dated: April 1994 Category: N/A
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