ITEM: I0708L

AIC method: errors


I have AIX 3.2.5 and AIC 1.2.  When I use AIC, I use a method and it
works fine.  I save my project and bring AIC back up, but it won't let
me.  It gives me an error of the form:

 method name, line number: type mismatch
 symbols not found

Then I can never use the method name again.  So I rename it and the
same thing happens.  What should I do?


        In order to work with method, in the manner above, will have to define
the return type. The default return type is integer. Therefore, It assumes 
that an integer is expected and when a void is given instead it doesn't know
how to handle the function. The C interpretor is very selective. Must define
in declarations the function, as an example, void function (x), so it is declared
as a void type. 

Support Line: AIC method: errors ITEM: I0708L
Dated: April 1994 Category: N/A
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