LIBRARY: sysback recovery of sp nodes from CWS through network


Doc extraction and merge by Josh Davis using multiple sources and
much original data.  This information is correct to the best of my
knowledge, but has not been hands-on verified, and as such, neither
I nor IBM may he held liable for this information or any damage
that may or may not result as a direct result of its use. 

NOTE: Where available, screen shots have been provided; however,
not all sections have this level of detail.

I.      How to set up the CWS for sysback reinstallation of your nodes:
        A.      Check the filesets on the boot server (CWS)
        B.      Install proper filesets for device support.  See cloning
                faxes if exact fileset list is required.
                1.      Thin node is RS6k/UP  (390 equiv)
                2.      Wide node is RS6k/UP  (590 equiv)
                3.      High node is RS6k/MP  (r50 equiv)
                4.      Silver thin is  CHRP/MP (H50 equiv)
                5.      Silver wide is  CHRP/MP (H50 equiv w/ more slots)
        C.      Reboot CWS to incorporate these changes into the running config.
        D.      Rebuild sysback boot images
                1.      `smitty sysback`
                2.      Configuration Options
                3.      Network Boot Configuration
                4.      Add or Change a network Boot Client
                        1.      Fill in the hostname
                        2.      Fill in the Platform type
                                a.      Thin = rs6k (not MP)
                                b.      Wide = rs6k (not MP)
                                c.      High = rs6k/MP
                                d.      Silver = chrp/MP (not rspc)
                        (NOTE!!!  THIS IS NOT RSPC AND MUST BE CHRP/MP OR BOOT
                5.      Update Network Boot Image
                        1.      Select Platform and network type
        E.      Configure the CWS for a sysback backup/recovery server:
                1.      `smitty sysback`
                2.      Configuration Options
                3.      Remote Services
                4.      Server Options
                5.      Configure Remote Services
                6.      Add or Change a Client
                        a.      Client Hostname (per reverse name resolution)
                        b.      User Access (root, all or specify a user's name)
                        c.      At the menu, fill in the tape devices if apply:
                                (all, /dev/rmtX or blank for none)
                        d.      Fill in the directories if applicable.

II.     Configure and backup your node for possible recovery from CWS
        A.      Make sure the node is set-up to backup to the CWS
                1.      `smitty sysback`
                2.      Configuration Options
                3.      Remote Services
                4.      Client Options
                5.      Configure Remote Services
                6.      Add or Change a server
                        a.      enter the CWS's hostname per forward name
                        b.      Disk options should be No for tape and Yes for
                                disk (directories).
        B.      Back up node on a regular basis (From Smit)
                1.      `smitty sysback`
                2.      Backup and Recovery Options
                3.      Full system Backup (Install Image)
                4.      Back Up the System
                5.      Choose remote device for backup
                6.      Select any additional (non rootvg) volume groups to
                        be included.
        C.      Back up the node on a regular basis (from command line/script)
                1.      sysback -l rmtX -h $cws -N $net -T $cpu -k $krn vg1 vg2
                        a.      $cws is the hostname of the cws
                        b.      $net is one of "tok", "eth" or "fddi"
                        c.      $cpu is "rs6k" for all black nodes,
                                and "chrp" for all silver nodes.
                        d.      $krn is "up" for thin and wide nodes,
                                or "mp" for high or silver nodes"
                        e.      "vg1 vg2" is a list of all additional vg's to
                                include other than rootvg which is always

III.    How to recover SP2 node given the above setup:
        A.      spmon -g
        B.      Power down node
                        1.      Use the gui or issue the command:
                2.      spmon -p off node1
        C.      Netboot
                1.      Global Controls
                2.      Netboot
                3.      Select Node Number
        D.      If netboot fails, or
                If you need to boot from a node rather than CWS
                1.      Open a tty.
                        a.      With the GUI
                                1.      Display Layouts
                                2.      Display Node Layout
                                3.      Node Front Panel
                                4.      Open a TTY
                        b.      Or use:  spmon -open node1
                2.      See appendix for manual netboot process
        E.      Sysback will come up
                1.      Change installation Device
                2.      Select tape on CWS
                3.      Change Volume Group & Logical Volume Info
                4.      Verify information
                5.      Install the System with Current Settings

        A.      Open the "Node Front Panel" via spmon as described above.
        B.      Logically power off the node with "Node Controls".
                1.      Use the gui or issue the command:
                2.      spmon -p off node1
        C       If this is an SMP (high node)
                1.      Go to step V.A
                2.      Skip to step IV.J
        D.      If this is a silver node (CHRP)
                1.      go to step VI.A
                2.      Skip to step IV.U
        E.      Put the key in "Secure" mode.
                1.      Use the spmon gui or issue the command (for node slot 1):
                2.      spmon -key secure node1
        F.      Power on the node with "Node Controls".
                1.      Use the gui or issue the command:
                2.      spmon -p on node1
        G.      Put the key in "Service" mode, when the led gets to 200.
                1.      Use the spmon gui or issue the command (for node slot 1):
                2.      spmon -key service node1
        H.      Reset the node with "Node Controls".
        I.      Select "Open TTY", when the led reaches 260 or 262.
        J.      You should see the following menu.
                If the menu is not displayed, press the \ key.

        MAIN MENU
        1.      Select BOOT (Startup) Device
        2.      Select Language for these Menus
        3.      Send Test Transmission (PING)
        4.      Exit Main Menu and Start System (BOOT)

        Type the number for your selection, then press "ENTER"
        (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)
        K.      Select option "1" from the MAIN MENU to get to the menu below.

        Select the device to BOOT (Startup) this machine.

        WARNING:  If you are using Token-Ring, selection of an
        incorrect data rate can result in total disruption of the
        Token-Ring network.

        "==>" Shows the selected BOOT (startup) device

                1. Use Default Boot (Startup) Device
                2. Ethernet:  Slot 0/1, 15-pin connector
                3. Ethernet:  Slot 0/1, BNC connector (1-pin)
                4. Ethernet:  Slot 0/4, 15-pin connector
        Page 1 of 2

        88. Next Page of Select BOOT (Startup) Device Menu
        99. Return to Main Menu

        Type the number for your selection, then press "ENTER"
        (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)
        L.      This menu will always have "Use Default Boot (Startup)
                Device" as the initial selection.
                1.      Choose the correct boot device from the menu
                        a.      A wide node will usually use "BNC"
                        b.      A thin node will use the option for
                                "built-in" ethernet.
        M.      Fill in the appropriate IP addresses
                1.      Be sure to use leading zeros.
                2.      You will be prompted to enter:
                        a.      IP addresses for the client
                                the node to be installed
                        b.      The server IP address
                                boot server should be at the same level
                                of AIX as the node's backup.
                        c.      A gateway IP address
                                Leave empty if same subnet.

        Select an address to change

        Currently selected BOOT (startup) device is:
        Ethernet:  Slot 0/1, BNC connector (1-pin)
        Hardware address .............................. 02608C2D4BDF

           1.   Client address                  
                (address of this machine)
           2.   BOOTP server address            
                (address of the remote machine you boot from)
           3.   Gateway address                 
                (Optional, required if gateway used)

           97.  Return to Select BOOT (Startup) Device Menu
                (Saves addresses)
           99.  Return to Main Menu (Saves addresses)

        Type the number for your selection, then press "ENTER"
        (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)
        N.      Select "99" to return to the Main Screen
        O.      Select "3" to send a ping to the server (test network)


        A test to see if the machine at the origin
        address can communicate, thru the network, with the
        machine at the destination address.

           Currently selected BOOT (startup) device is:
           Ethernet:  Slot 0/1, BNC connector (1-pin)
           Hardware address ............................ 02608C2D4BDF

           Select an address to change or select "4" to begin the test.

           1.   Origin address                
           2.   Destination address           
           3.   Gateway address               
                (Optional, required if gateway used)
           4.   START PING TEST

           99.  Return to Main Menu

        Type the number for your selection, then press "ENTER"
        (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)
        P.      Select "4" to start the ping test.
                1.      If the ping test is unsuccessful
                        a.      you have a network problem or
                        b.      you have entered an invalid IP
                2.      Do not proceed until you correct the problem

        A successful test will display the following:

        SUCCESSFUL TEST.  Transmission sent and received.

           97.  Return to Send Test Transmission screen.
           99.  Return to Main Menu

        Type the number for your selection, then press "ENTER"
        (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)

        Q.      Select "99" to go back to the main menu
        R.      Select "4" to start the System Boot.

        To get a NORMAL boot, turn the key on your system unit
        to "NORMAL" and press "ENTER" to continue booting.

        99. Return to Main Menu

        Type the number for your selection, then press "ENTER"
        (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)

        S.      Put the key in "Normal" mode (via the spmon "Node Front Panel")
        T.      press \ in the tty screen
        U.      You should see one bootp packet sent and received
        V.      You should see many tftp packets sent and received
        W.      Once tftp is completed, the system will run the kernel
        X.      Your system should come up in maintenance mode after
                all devices are configured

        A.      Do not use this procedure for non-HIGH nodes.
        B.      Put the key for the high node in the "service" position.
                1.      Use the spmon gui or issue the command (for node slot 1):
                2.      spmon -key service node1
        C.      Open a tty on the node.
                1.      Use the gui or issue the command:
                2.      spmon -open node1
        D.      At the ">" prompt, enter "sbb" and hit \.
        E.      choose option 1, "Set Flags".
        F.      Ensure that the following two flags are set correctly:
                1.      "Autoservice IPL" should be set to Disable.
                2.      "Fast IPL" should be set to Enable.
        G.      Exit to the ">" prompt and break the tty connection.
                1.      use "x" until at the ">" prompt.
                2.      \ x to break the tty connection.
        H.      Power the node on
                1.      Use the gui or issue the command:
                2.      spmon -p on node1
        I.      Open a tty on the node.
                1.      Use the gui or issue the command:
                2.      spmon -open node1
                3.      Hit \, if you see the following prompt:
                        DO YOU WANT TO UPDATE FLASH FROM LINE S2 [y/n] ? n
        J.      Choose option 6 "SYSTEM BOOT" on the MAINTENANCE MENU screen.
        K.      Choose option 1 "BOOT FROM NETWORK" on the SYSTEM BOOT screen.
        L.      Continue with step (IV.J) in the main section above.

        A.      Power on node
                1.      Use "node front panel" in spmon -g or
                2.      spmon -p on node1
        B.      Open a tty on the node.
                1.      Use node front panel in spmon -g or
                2.      spmon -open node1
        C.      Enter SMS
                1.      Wait for "RS/6000" logo
                2.      Press 1 at 1 second intervals until "entering SMS"
                3.      You will see the following menu:

        1  Display Configuration
        2  Multiboot
        3  Utilities
        4  Select Language

        D.      Enter the Bootp menu
                1.      Wait for SMS to come up
                2.      Choose Utilities
                3.      Choose Remote Initial Program Load
                4.      Select your network adapter from this menu.
        E.      Fill in your TCP/IP parameters
                Do not use leading zeros
        F.      Perform a network ping
                1.      If the ping test is unsuccessful
                        a.      you have a network problem or
                        b.      you have entered an invalid IP
                2.      Do not proceed until you correct the problem
        G.      Exit back to the SMS main menu
                1.      You will see the following menu:

        1  Display Configuration
        2  Multiboot
        3  Utilities
        4  Select Language

        H.      Choose option 3, Multiboot.
                1.      You will see "Please Wait" then the following:

        RS/6000 Firmware
        Version WIL97072
        (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996  All rights reserved.
                1  Select Software
        2  Software Default
        3  Install From
        4  Select Boot Devices
        5  OK Prompt
        6  Multiboot Startup \

        I.      Choose "Install From", Option 3.
                1.      You will see a menu similar to the following:

        Install Operating System
                Device Number  Device Name
        1               SCSI 4512 MB Hard disk id=0 ( Integrated )
        2               SCSI 4512 MB Hard disk id=1 ( Integrated )
        3               Ethernet  ( Integrated )
        4                                 None

        J.      Select the network interface by typing it's number and pressing
        K.      Return to step (IV.U)

Support Line: LIBRARY: sysback recovery of sp nodes from CWS through network ITEM: HG2259L
Dated: September 1998 Category: N/A
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