ITEM: H8025L

Can't get M20 to boot


Q: I'm trying to make a M20 boot for a customer, but it won't.  It keeps
   sending out bootp requests, but gets no response.

R: Kill the current bootpd, and start it up in debug mode.  You will have
   to edit the /etc/inetd.conf file, edit out bootpd.  Then run inetimp
   and resfresh -s inetd.
   Then kill -9 the PID for bootpd.  Now you can start bootpd in debug
   mode by: "/etc/bootpd -s -d -d -d -d &".

   After he did this, he got the bootp broadcast from the client, and he
   could see that the IP address was wrong.  He remembered that he made 
   an error while configuring the client, so he updated the
   /etc/aixdwm/dwmdb file, and the client booted and tftped its bootimage.
   Now the system hung at c06, which means that the client could not
   figure out what its boot device was.  This takes place in the 
   /sbin/rc.boot script, line 473, where it does the command:
   "BOOTYPE=`bootinfo -t`"  For a network boot, this should return a 5.

   For some reason this command did not work.  The 2 possible causes are
   (1) bad bootinfo command  (2) Bad IPLROS.   We changed his rc.boot
   file to hard-code the value 5 for the boot type (network boot), and
   remade the boot image.  There are several ways to remake it.

   1) Rebuild the SPOT -- this can be a bit tedious, but it will do it
   2) Use the commands: "bosboot -a -d /dev/net -p
      "cp /usr/lib/boot/net.proto /tftpboot/aix32" (aix32 is the SPOT

   After he did this, he copied his original rc.boot back (VERY IMPORTANT)
   and rebooted.  System came up fine.

Support Line: Can't get M20 to boot ITEM: H8025L
Dated: March 1994 Category: N/A
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