ITEM: H5607L

Questions on CMVC (Configuration Management & Version Control)


I have a few questions on CMVC V2.2

1)  For a alpha field--how can I make CMVC show numeric values instead of alpha

2)  Query-- How can I rearrange the order of fields to query.           

3)  How can I set up version numbers of a file.  For example instead of when
    I revise a field showing 1.2 I would like to know how to change
    it to be 2.2.


1)  The field is an alphanumeric sort.  To sort it numerically, add the 
    "order by name" to the report query.  
        For example:
           Report -view defectView -where "CompName in ('xyz')"
           Report -view defectView -where "CompName in ('xyz') order by name"

2) To add or rearrange the order of fields in a report use the 
    chfield program provided by CMVC.  See the Chapter 7 Configurable Fields
    in the CMVC Server Administration and Installation V2.2 manual.
    Page 45 talks about running the chfield command.

3)  You cannot modify the revision numbers.  They are assigned by CMVC.
    They will always start with "1." numbers.

Support Line: Questions on CMVC (Configuration Management & Version Control) ITEM: H5607L
Dated: March 1994 Category: N/A
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