ITEM: H2906L

Help with showps command.


Level: 3.2.5
Model: 370

Customer is having trouble with display postscript running under X.
Customer reports there are only a few fonts are available.

    showps /usr/lpp/DPS/examples_showps -skipc \
    Warning widget: findfont fails.  "offending command"

Customer has a postscript lpp "right out of the box" and can not find
any documentation on modifying or updating the fonts available.


Told customer I would investigate the technique of adding new DPS
fonts; this will require tracking down people in development and/or


Fonts come with two parts: a font metric file (.afm) and an outline
file.  The font metric file should be placed in the directory
/usr/lpp/DPS/fonts/afm, the outline file in
/usr/lpp/DPS/fonts/outlines.  Then,

   cd /usr/lpp/DPS/fonts
   ../bin/makepsres -d $PWD   (-d $cwd in the C shell)

This will build a PSres.upr file in the /usr/lpp/DPS/fonts directory
This file shoule be examined and compare to
/usr/lpp/DPS/upr/AdobeFonts.upr for correctness.

To get the new fonts to be visible, the X server will need to be
shutdown and restarted.  The fonts should then be available to PS

This applies to DPS on AIX 3.2.5.

Support Line: Help with showps command. ITEM: H2906L
Dated: March 1994 Category: N/A
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