ITEM: H2063L

Unable to access a special device file error message.


I have a RS/6000 at 3.2.4 of AIX, and I am having problems with the
mkszfile command.  When I try to do this, I get the following error

  0516-082 lqueryvg unable to access a special device file

I have tried a few LVM commands, but I have not been able to fix this.
I also got another error message trying to commit some software:

 0518-507 odmget could not retrieve object CuDvDr error number 5904.

What could be wrong with my system or odm?


The customer is running the machine in a HACMP environment. He has 30
disks.  4 of them are in rootvg (hdisk0, 1, 2, and 27). I had him try
running "lqueryvg -p \ -At" on all the disks in rootvg.
"hdisk0" and "hdisk27" failed with the kind of error above. I had him
go into /dev and look for any missing hdisk entries. Hdisks 0, 27, 31,
32, and 33 were missing but their odm information was apparently still
there. Normally, I would just purge the odm info for these drives and
run "cfgmgr", but this might cause problems with HACMP. The major and 
minor numbers for the lost device entries should be in the CuDvDr 
database. We should be able to fix this online.
I had the customer go through these commands.

        odmget -q value3=hdisk0 CuDvDr

This returned the major and minor numbers for the device hdisk0:

value1 = major          value2 = minor

I then had him re-create the disk entry for hdisk0 and rhdisk0 in /dev
with the mknod command.

   \# mknod hdisk0 b \ \         
   \# mknod rhdisk0 c \ \

I had him repeat this for hdisk27. He did not have any volume groups
associated for the other disks, so deleting them with "rmdev -l hdisk\#
-d" then running "cfgmgr" should bring these back to life. He was not
running HACMP in an active mode, so "cfgmgr" should not cause any

After doing this, he could "lqueryvg" the devices with no problem. The
"mkszfile" script worked without any problems. This fixed his

Support Line: Unable to access a special device file error message. ITEM: H2063L
Dated: April 1994 Category: N/A
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