ITEM: G6373L

Dynamic linking dosn't work like on other platforms


model 220
 version 3.2.5

He is hunting for a system call that works like dlsym works in Sun.
He is trying to do dynamic linking at run time. The command that he
has been trying is load and loadquery but they return a pointer to the
beginning of the symbol link. What he needs is a pointer to the sybol
he is going to reference. He needs someone to explain how this works
not how to get his code working.


Called the customer,  explained that if he needs
help porting code, that is not covered by supportLine and  would have
to be done on a consultLine basis.  He says that is not the case and
he has a specific question on the linker.  I told him that we would
not be able to get back to him until Monday 2/14.


   The load rotuines returns a pointer to an entry-point of the
   object being loaded.  For example:

   executable (we'll call abc)

   abc calls load
   load calls a .o object
   abc loads the .o object and returns an entry-point pointer
   from there, the module can then be called.

   fptr = load(arg, .. ..)
   fptr(arg, .. ..)


Talked to customer about the dlsym() function; he had received a copy of
a HONE HowTo regarding function lookup via nlist(), and had
implemented some very simple functionality based upon that code.

I told him about RPQ P91129 which implements the dl() functions a-la
SunOS and SVR4.  He was pleased with the information, and will pursue
obtaining the RPQ.

Support Line: Dynamic linking dosn't work like on other platforms ITEM: G6373L
Dated: March 1994 Category: N/A
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