mklvback thinks a filesystem is mounted when it is not


  AIX 4.2.1
  RISC 590
  Tape 8mm 5gb 7208-005

  The customer wants to use the mklvback command to backup the
  logical volume of the filesystem  /dev/orcale  mounted on /orcale.
  The customer has already umount /dev/orcale and mount and df 
  do not show it at all, but when the customer runs this command
  he gets back this output:

  mklvback -xf /dev/rmt0 /dev/orcale

  Rewinding rmt0 ...
  Generating LVM information ..
  Generating table of contents ..
  Pre-processing oracle logical volume ..

  You cannot perform a logical volume backup of an active filesystem
  logical volume: oracle.

Action Taken:
  Output from the df command:

Filesystem    512-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4           16384      6864   59%     1258    31% /
/dev/hd2          376832     39496   90%     8395    18% /usr
/dev/hd9var         8192      5504   33%      111    11% /var
/dev/hd3           40960     31912   23%       51     1% /tmp
/dev/hd1            8192      7744    6%       41     5% /home
/dev/oracle_prod.1      16384     15792    4%       16     1% /oracle_prod/d01
/dev/oracle_prod.2      16384     15792    4%       16     1% /oracle_prod/d02
/dev/oracle_prod.3      16384     15792    4%       16     1% /oracle_prod/d03
/dev/oracle_prod.4      16384     15792    4%       16     1% /oracle_prod/logs

  Output from the mount command:

node       mounted        mounted over    vfs        options      
-------- ---------------  ---------------  ------ ------------
         /dev/hd4         /                jfs     rw,log=/dev/hd8 
         /dev/hd2         /usr             jfs     rw,log=/dev/hd8 
         /dev/hd9var      /var             jfs     rw,log=/dev/hd8 
         /dev/hd3         /tmp             jfs     rw,log=/dev/hd8 
         /dev/hd1         /home            jfs     rw,log=/dev/hd8 
         /dev/oracle_prod.1 /oracle_prod/d01 jfs   rw,log=/dev/loglv00
         /dev/oracle_prod.2 /oracle_prod/d02 jfs   rw,log=/dev/loglv00
         /dev/oracle_prod.3 /oracle_prod/d03 jfs   rw,log=/dev/loglv00
         /dev/oracle_prod.4 /oracle_prod/logs jfs  rw,log=/dev/loglv00

  Output from the lsvg -l sbvg command:

LV NAME             TYPE       LPs   PPs   PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
oracle_prod.1       jfs        2     2     1    open/syncd    /oracle_prod/d01
oracle_prod.2       jfs        2     2     1    open/syncd    /oracle_prod/d02
oracle_prod.3       jfs        2     2     1    open/syncd    /oracle_prod/d03
oracle_prod.4       jfs        2     2     1    open/syncd    /oracle_prod/logs
oracle              jfs        2     2     1    closed/syncd  /oracle
loglv00             jfslog     1     1     1    open/syncd    N/A

  It appears to be a problem with the grep command:

  I went through the code and found there is a defect
  within the /usr/sbin/mklvback command.

  WORKAROUND Until I can create fix

  1.  cd /usr/sbin
  2.  cp mklvback
  3.  vi mklvback
      Search on the word  "mount"

  then mount | grep -w /dev/$lvname  >/dev/null 2>&1


  then mount | grep -w "/dev/$lvname " >/dev/null 2>&1

  NOTE:  Make sure you have the quotes and one space follows the
         last quote.

Will be fixed with sysback.rte

Support Line: mklvback thinks a filesystem is mounted when it is not ITEM: FY6312L
Dated: June 1998 Category: N/A
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