exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program getlvminfo because of the followi
AIX 4.2
RISC 390
sysback.rte 4.2.0 (level that is on the johnson system)
I run this command:
mkjfsback -xf /dev/rmt0 /
Rewinding rmt0 ...
Generating LVM information ..
Logical Volume hd4 does not exist.
Usage: mkvginfo [-Mf][-o outfile] { -v VGnames .. | -l LVnames ..}
Unable to create LVM information file!
cd /usr/sbin
vi mkjfsback
Looked for the mkvginfo command
I ran the mkvginfo -fvo/tmp/28174vginfo -l hd4 from the command line
It appears to be failing on getlvminfo -L hd4
I ran the getlvminfo -L hd4
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program getlvminfo because of the following errors:
0509-022 Cannot load library libc.a[shr.o].
0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
CLOSED by tj on 05/15/98 02:37:
The getlvminfo command was last compiled on 5/1 due to a change
in the usage message. The command appears not to be able to
find the shared libraries it uses (libc) correctly. I've found
that the LIBPATH variable was set temporarily to a value used
by another application at the time the command was compiled.
This apparently causes the command to look only in the
path set at compile time, and not at run time (news to me).
I've changed the command and am sending a new copy of the
sysback.rte and sysback.trial. Look for them in the
/home/sysback directory tomorrow (Friday).
Support Line: exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program getlvminfo because of the followi ITEM: FS8355L
Dated: May 1998 Category: N/A
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