mkjfsback error find: missing conjunction


  AIX 4.2.1
  RISC J30
  sysback 4.2.0   

  The customer runs this command:

  mkjfsback -xf /dev/rmt1 -b256 /usr

And gets this error message:

Rewinding rmt1 ...
Generating LVM information ..
Generating table of contents ..
Pre-processing /usr filesystem ..
find: missing conjunction
mv: cannot rename /tmp/ to /tmp/13852toc: 
No such file or directory
Writing table of contents ..
Backing up Filesystem (LV "hd2")
  Start date is Fri Apr 10 12:30:43 1998
  User is root at mars

I looked at the code and determined this:

cd /usr/sbin
vi mkjfsback

\# List all non-directories (and non-sockets)
        find .$mountpt ! -type s ! -type d -fstype jfs $levelopt \\
                egrep -v -f $xdirs | sbfilelist -lsm -P "$imagenum R " \\
                2>/tmp/$$fspace >> $backlist.$lvname || nospace

It should read this way:

\# List all non-directories (and non-sockets)
        find .$mountpt ! -type s ! -type d -fstype jfs $levelopt | \\
                egrep -v -f $xdirs | sbfilelist -lsm -P "$imagenum R " \\
                2>/tmp/$$fspace >> $backlist.$lvname || nospace

CLOSED by tj on 04/10/98 14:38:
You are correct. Since this would cause virtually every 
backup to fail, do you have any idea why we didnt catch this 
before? I've applied this change to

Support Line: mkjfsback error find: missing conjunction ITEM: FN4545L
Dated: April 1998 Category: N/A
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