Bad lppsource / Failed install of node mknimres errors
AIX 4.1.5/PSSP 2.2/SP-9076
Customer has a new high node which has AIX pre-installed. After
acquiring the ethernet address for it, customer is unable to boot
the node in normal mode any longer. Customer gets a 243-244 hang.
Action Taken:
Had customer set the node into maintenance mode. We ran into NIM
allocation issues. Found that customer's lppsource_name value for
his nodes were mixed one had a value of aix415, the other had an
incorrect value of default.
This was found with the splstdata -n command.
We corrected this by changing the information through
smitty server_dialog, and the customer was able to get
the other node to boot from disk and found that it was pre-installed
at AIX 4.2.1/PSSP 2.3. Customer will have to do a overwrite install
at AIX 4.1.5/PSSP 2.2. Customer has incomplete node definitions for
the second node. Customer will fully define the second node through
smitty node_data. The customer ran into problems with setup_server.
These were his errors:
mknimclient: 0016-239 no matching network between server node0
(cw_hostname) and client node1 (node_hostname). One message for each
node. Nodes came preinstalled at higher code levels than CWS.
The customer needed to rebuild nim to fix this, and this was done by
these steps:
Rebuilt NIM to deal with problem.
nim -o unconfig master
installp -u bos.sysmgt.nim.master
setup_server --> fails again with same error 0016-239
have cust set the nodes to disk and run setup_server
\#nim -o unconfig master {ck that all /etc/niminfo.*
\#rm /etc/niminfo \#rm /etc/niminfo.prev
cd /tftpboot; rm *install_info *config_info *new-srvtab
\#installp -ug bos.sysmgt.nim.master
\#installp -ug bos.sysmgt.nim.client
set the nodes to install and run setup_server
Things seem to go better, but last thing that we see is same
error 0016-239. I then ask cust to ck ipaddrs for nodes and
they are different than /etc/hosts. I then ask cust to ck the
subnet via \#splstdata -a and the subnet of CWS is
and nodes is Cust then changed subnet of nodes to and now setup_server runs correctly.
The setup_server ran clean at this point, and the customer was able to
install the nodes error free.
Support Line: Bad lppsource / Failed install of node mknimres errors ITEM: FH2248L
Dated: March 1998 Category: N/A
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