ITEM: F3212L
Having a problem reading from a 4mm tape?
Customer is on AIX Version 3.2.3e. They have a 7206-001 tape drive and have
PTF U404963 installed. Customer says that she is using tapes between her
system and an HP MPE minicomputer. If she uses brand new tapes on her machine,
they work fine. She can write to and read from them without any problem.
If the same new tapes are used first on the HP MPE system, they are no longer
usable on the RS6000 system. The exact text of the error is:
"/dev/rmt0.1: the input or output media is write protected"
The IBM drive can NOT read the HS-4/90 tapes. If there is NOT 4 WHITE STRIPS
near the front of tape on the TOP, the drive will produce the errors above.
They need to use tapes like the HS-4/90S to have them work correctly.
Support Line: Having a problem reading from a 4mm tape? ITEM: F3212L
Dated: December 1993 Category: N/A
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