ITEM: E6564L

Why is it that my path is not being executed?


I have two users A and B.  User A has his path set explicitly in his
.profile at login.  User B has his path set by the system, via /etc/
profile.  User A and user B can both executed a file in the directory
/usr/local/X11/bin.  However, user A can do "which xrsh" (where xrsh 
is the name of the executable in question) and be shown the path
xrsh resides in.  On the other hand, user B cannot use which to see
which xrsh is being executed.  What to do?


You have a file in /usr/local/X11/bin.  This directory is in 
your path  and the paths of several other users.  You can type in the
name of the script and it is executed.  Other users can do so as well.
If you do a "which xrsh" it shows you /usr/local/X11/bin/xrsh.  However,
if the other users try:

which xrsh

They receive:

which: 0652-042 Cannot find xrsh

Unlike most (if not all) other AIX commands, "which" is a csh script.
You did not have a .cshrc in your home directory.  However, the other
users trying "which xrsh" did.  One of the first lines of /usr/bin/which
does a "source ~/.cshrc" which is similar to ksh's ". " of a file. The
user's path is reset in the .cshrc.  By temporarily moving the users'
.cshrc to .cshrc.old they were able to do a "which xrsh" without any
problem.  Your user's should modify the path set in their .cshrc to
include the directory xrsh is in or move/remove .cshrc since they are
not using C shell.

Support Line: Why is it that my path is not being executed? ITEM: E6564L
Dated: November 1993 Category: N/A
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