ITEM: E6182L

Problem compiling on 3.2.5 with xlf


I get errors that point to unresolved externals.  libX11.a apparently
calls smweight, smconnect, and smsocket, which I can't find in any
other libraries (even libsm.a).  What do I do now?


Need to include an import file in the link.  The symbols mentioned 
(i.e. smconnect, etc.) are defined in the kernel and are exported
via /usr/lpp/X11/bin/smt.exp.  If you link to libX11.a dynamically, 
then you get these symbols as a pass-thru reference.  However, if
linking statically, include the following command:


This will provide the symbols needed for the link to complete.

Support Line: Problem compiling on 3.2.5 with xlf ITEM: E6182L
Dated: January 1994 Category: N/A
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