ITEM: E1149L

Plotter appears to not be doing flow control.


I have a Plotter that appears to be doing no flow control.  Could you
help me set this up?


Checked Plotter manual and found it is only capable of Xon/Xoff flow
control.  Went into smit and turned off DTR flow control.  Added a
virtual printer as "PLOTTER" and sent a job.  It printed with no


He upgraded to 3.2.4 and now he can't plot at all.  We lowered the baud rate
to 2400bps and now he can plot, so it appears to be a timing problem.  

Found that in 3.2.4 the trigger value for responding to interrupt characters
was increased from 0.  Therefore, the system will get characters from a tty
device but not respond immediately.  I had him change the trigger value to 
0(zero) '/usr/lbin/tty/stty-rs rtrig 0 \