ITEM: E0159L
Cannot read 9-track tape
We have received an ASCII 9-track tape from the government that we
cannot read. We are only restoring every tenth record in the file.
The tape has a density of 1600 and has a record size of 196, blocks
of 10. The dd command we are using is:
dd if=/dev/rmt1.5 of=filename bs=196 fskip=1
We have the block size in SMIT set to 0 (variable).
Try using the following command:
dd if=/dev/rmt1.5 of=filename bs=1960 fskip=1
Since the tape has a record size of 196 and a block contains ten
records, you should set the block size (bs) for dd to 1960 rather
than 196.
We tried the above command and the datafile restored correctly.
Support Line: Cannot read 9-track tape ITEM: E0159L
Dated: September 1993 Category: N/A
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